Friday, April 20, 2007

Building A Blog For ‘We Are Here’

All of my blogging starts to pay off.

After three or so years of blogging here at ThoughtPort, I have picked up some blog construction skills. I recently applied all of those self-taught skills building a blog for Loretta and her marketing team in the Dublin Docklands Development Authority.

Developed in partnership with Project Arts, ‘We Are Here’ is described as a ‘season of alternative projects probing the physical and cultural landscape through interactive film, mixed-reality gaming, mobile theatre and gently subversive audio tours’. Given that these events deal with the interaction of culture and technology, I believe that having a dedicated blog gives DDDA the ability to build some community of interested parties prior to the events and to then generate some audience interaction once everything starts to happen.

When I created the blog, I also built-in some social networking features that hopefully will be adopted by users of the blog. I set up a public Flickr pool so that all sorts of imagery around the events can be posted online. I was inspired by looking at the quality (if not the sheer volume) of images that appear on Flickr clustered around events like SXSW. There is not too much content up there now except for some test shots of Eddie’s way-cool logo stencilled around the Docklands environment*. Ideally, that image pool will be populated with photos taken in and around the WAH2.0 events themselves.

The teams in Docklands and Project Arts are now set up as authors on the blog and will be populating it with up-to-date content from here on in. Go and have a look

*Eddie and his posse were out last night stencilling away, doing the on-street viral marketing campaign, tagging the Docklands with lots of lime green logos. They did not have too many run-ins with security guards and An Gardai!

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