Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Three ICAD Member Graphic Design Companies Blogging in 2009 (Out of 48)

I reviewed the websites of all members of The Institute of Creative Advertising and Design listed under ‘Graphic Design, Identity Design and Packaging Design’ in the Member’s Directory on the ICAD website (accessed on 20 June 2009) and investigated which have a link to a company blog from their primary company website. IDI membership is individual, so I have aggregated this list by company name. This research does not preclude their being such a company blog, but where one is not visibly linked on the company website, then an inference can be made as to how such a blog is positioned within the company’s mix of corporate communications.

This list does not capture any company design blogs which are not linked from the company’s primary website, or any personal blogs maintained by company directors or employees. Some companies are members of all three Irish design organisations and therefore appear on the three lists complied.

The list was processed in the following manner. All IDI members who did not supply a valid URL were first removed from the list. Then all repeated URLs were then removed. Any URLs checked which were not graphic design companies were also removed.

Members with business blogs
Of forty-eight relevant ICAD member companies these three have a link to their corporate blog on their company web sites.

The Brand Union An Our Blogs link from the international home page leads to the Dublin Office blog.

Threesixty The News section is a blog, with an RSS feed, but with no comments enabled.

Whitenoise Studios A link to the blog on the home page.

If you are a relevant ICAD graphic design member company with a blog that is not on this list, please let me know and I will include you.

Members without business blogs
These forty-seven member companies had no link to a company blog on their web sites.
01 Arrival []

02 Atelier David Smith []

03 Baseline []

04 Begley Hutton []
05 Bennis Design []

06 Brandcentral []

07 Carival Advertising and Design []

08 Catalysto [
09 Conor and David []
10 Creative Inc. []

11 Dcoy Design Ltd []

12 Design Factory []

13 Designers Ink []

14 Designworks []

15 Detail Design Studio []

16 Dynamite []

17 Dynamo []
18 Finn Creative (Australia) []

19 First Impression []
20 Form []

21 Fresh Design []
22 Fuse Graphic Design []

23 GHQ []

24 Huguenot []
25 IDEA []
26 Kunnert and Tierney []
27 Language []
28 Paragon Design and Advertising []

29 Persona Design []

30 PH7 Design Ltd []

31 Raven Design []
32 Red and Grey Design []

33 Red Dog []

34 Rodney Miller Associates []

35 Sans Studio [
36 Scale []

37 Slater Dublin [

38 Source Design Consultants []
39 Studio Richards [
40 The Design Suite []

41 Totem Visual Communications []

42 We Make Design []

43 White Chalk []
44 Zest Design []

45 Zinc Design Consultants []

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