Monday, October 17, 2011


I have worked at this desk for over ten years.

Tomorrow BFK move into our new space next door. I have decided that I am not permitting a lot of my old paperwork, files and other general cruft accumulated over a decade to make that move with me.

Sometimes it is important to let go of the past. Decide what is important and worth taking forward and then jettison the rest.

Time for some new perspectives I think.


  1. Aiden

    I hope the move goes well for you. Maybe you could drop the monitor on the way and join the flatscreen world (not so hard on your eyes). Then again, the nineties is probably due a revival any day now...


  2. (I didn’t realise that a CRT was such an anachronism, it has been the most commented-on aspect of my snapshot.)

    I would love a flatscreen monitor some day, give me some more real estate on my desk...
